Tag Archives: Geographer

Video: WATERS – “Got To My Head” + Geographer Remix!

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San Francisco’s WATERS has premiered the video for their exuberant debut single “Got To My Head.” Directed by photographer Dan Monick, the video is low-budget but high-energy, hearkening back to some of frontman Van Pierszalowski’s all-time favorite videos, like Green Day’s “Longview” and Weezer’s “Say It Ain’t So.”

“So we only had $1500 to make this video. Fortunately, my favorite videos of all time look like they could have been made for half of that,” says Pierszalowski. “I wanted the video to showcase the energy of our song, and take me back to the adolescent rage and fantasies embodied in those old 90s alt rock videos. I wanted there to be a single shot that tries to contain all the manic energy I feel when I perform ‘Got To My Head’ live.”

Last week Earmilk premiered a remix of “Got To My Head” by WATERS’ fellow Bay Area artist Geographer.

After finishing school and coming off of years on the road supporting his former band (Port O’Brien) Van Pierszalowski, the creative force behind WATERS, decided to live and work in San Francisco spending some time standing still for the first time in ages. The calm gave way to creative restlessness and the result was a new band and a new sound in the form of WATERS. WATERS’ “Got To My Head” is informed by an era of alternative music where frenetic energy, pop hooks and a focused lyrical narrative could drive any young kid to start playing guitar. While currently working on a full album of songs with the same immediacy as “Got To My Head,” WATERS has announced a handful of West Coast shows and dates to come.

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