Tag Archives: Max McElligott

Check ‘Em Out: Bloom Twins


Check out the video below for “Set Us Free” from Bloom Twins. The exciting plot, which takes the viewer through a series of breathtaking extreme sports scenarios, features Go-Pro headcam footage from skiing, bungee jumping, scuba-diving and zip-wiring to name a few, and was shot in several countries around the world including the USA, UK, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Poland, the Maldives and of course, Ukraine.

20-year-old identical twins, Sonia and Anna Kuprienko co-wrote this track with talented Fiona Bevan and Max McElligott, then handed it over to Greg Fitzgerald for some production magic. It was the first track they wrote after returning from Ukraine where they got stuck for half a year during the uprise. The track is not political at all, rather a call for freedom, but it was certainly influenced by everything that was happening in Ukraine and the fact that they couldn’t return to their new home – London.

On the making and narrative behind the video, Bloom Twins say;
We tend to forget about the simple pleasures in life that make us happy. The world is our oyster. It’s only needed to be prized open to be enjoyed, with the pearl as the prize. Life should be about love, peace, happiness and freedom, and a home for it all is our beautiful planet.
Their debut album, which has been recorded and produced by Duran Duran’s Nick Rhodes, will be out in 2017.

“The twins have serious promise” – MTV
“Divinely dynamic yet dark sisterly harmonies” – The Guardian

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